Monday, 7 January 2008

2008 and already another countdown

first day back at work after a two week holiday... how does one settle in? most people aren't back yet, so it'll be a quiet week until deadlines are remembered and panic sets in. ha!

so xmas was relaxing and damn hot... perth in the early 40s (and no, i'm not referring to the 1940s but temperature). there was very little movement after the eating. here's a pic of the girls from christmas day. me, niece larissa, sister ainsley and my mom.

boxing day turned out to be another hot one, but luckily enough i was in my car for most of it, driving up to kalgoorlie. a thought while driving was that the next time i was on this road and heading in this direction i would be driving over state lines. how very exciting.

anyway, the few days in kalgoorlie-boulder were relaxing ones, trying to stay cool was the biggest effort. everyone is well, and i told my nan i wouldn't post the pics of her sitting in front of her fridge (not trying to stay cool) with hair dryer in hand, defrosting some ice. dripping water and electricity, sure kids, follow in your elders footsteps. ha!

back in town for new years eve - and thus far i only have one photo which gail took of me prior to the evening starting. it's pretty much me in about 1986 - and yes, griffin crescent had been turned into a 1980s club for the evening, many thanks to melis and al.

oh yeah, i was hot and cool all at once. haha!!! i know, you wish you knew me back in the day.

okay, enough gaffing on. back into the new year - expect BIG things my friends.

1 comment:

Darion said...

OMG I love your 1986 self! I totally would have hit that. :D Fun post! And hey, so glad your mom loved our fecal pantry of goodness. Hope getting back to work isn't too crazy - when r u visiting us crazy Americans again?