Monday 21 July 2008

a super sunday...

it was a writer's morning at starbuck's. with a frappacino in one hand and a pen in the other i had to juggle the bagel, i managed. :) it was an early morning into the city. the inaugural melbourne open house. i stood in line for an hour to get into the manchester unity building (and yes, it was worth the wait, just glorious)... these pics were just in the arcade as i was in line to get upstairs.

look at the details in the elevator. this building was constructed over 11 months in 1932 - yes, through the depression even. neo-gothic exterior with an art deco interior. just glorious.

this is the view a secretary had - all the way down swanston to st paul's. oh, and the guide we had was pretty cute too, for an engineer. ha! no, no pics of him.

the table in the boardroom is magnificent. the glass top is lalique and is one giant piece that was lowered in through the windows before the room was completed.

walter burley griffin's capitol theatre (sans the coloured lights at the moment though).

and the plaza ballroom at the regent theatre.

i would've like to have got under federation square to check the labrynth out, but it booked out in a blink. i've seen the town hall before and will be there again next week for the red carpet ball. i'm certain the line for st paul's cathedral would be too long so i trammed down to st kilda for a late lunch followed by fruit tart at one of the cake shops along acland street.

like i said, a pretty super sunday.

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