Tuesday 11 August 2009

at a crumbling white edifice in st kilda

rockwiz give me that feeling, rockwiz rocking and reeling, baby... so don't stop doin' it, don't stop doin' it... (apologies to abba).

jamie, nat, ray, alex, chris, jill, mark and me. sitting in the gershwin room at the espy answering music questions, singing along with the rest of the crowd. super night with super friends. according to them, the only 7 i have. :P

the two episodes we watched taped are suppose to go to air sometime in november, will have to remember to keep an eye out. not much chance we'll be seen as we were on a table in the middle of the room. mucho grande fun was had by one and all.

thanks to jamie for the photos (not enough light for my camera - or enough patience on my behalf)

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