Wednesday 11 November 2009

the wonderful world of wednesday

i LOVE sam rockwell. a bit too quirky to be traditionally cute, but cute nonetheless and a fabulous actor. true, i also like tim roth and gary oldman - but there you go. :) enjoyed moon. and have spoken to a few people about it, and not many a sure why we like it. just do. directed by a younger bowie.

spent a few hours in greens and managed to avoid the heat as well as catch up on emails, as well as a bit of writing. you can't tell by the photo but it has couches, just like other cafes in civilised cities do. wonders.

the lime brulee there was just what i needed.

the evening had me staying with my beloved melis and al (formerly and on the odd occasion, known as the wee brown man). then a few of the galpals met at the ellington in mt lawley. a newish jazz club where the headliner was nina ferro, originally from melbourne but now living in the uk. when i saw galpals, we were invaded by one michael gray when he found out that inga wasn't able to make the roundtable. a fun evening.

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