Monday 6 June 2011

thoughts on a monday

two sides of the story: written for the telly presented by adam zwar and robyn butler. part of a discussion between the vic writers' centre and the wheeler centre. two people talking for nearly an hour, anecdotes for the most part. wasn't really anything about craft, just their experience which was nice enough but nothing i hadn't heard before.


i didn't watch doctor who in the mid to late eighties, until now i thought it a fault on my part. i mean, i've always loved the show so how did i ever abandon it? true, i was in high school and television was the last thing i had time for, but it's the doctor. time could've been found (see what i did there, time lord, finding time...) i now digress to present time when i'm actually watching sylvester mccoy episodes and i remember why i never found the time then. i'm not sure i want to find the time now, even in the name of research. honestly, time and the rani is so bloody ridiculous. the doctor is ridiculous and the effects UGH! i can get by the ultra colour of the eighties but the rest is just a bit stinky. i shall try and get through a few more, to see if it improves or ... even the titles were terrible. sigh... might have to fill this hole in my chest with a quick revisit to present day dr who.

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