Sunday 10 July 2011

leisa as author

or scriptwriter, you take your pick. this photo was taken by my bestie at a lovely cafe in fremantle called wild poppy just before we were served a delicious brunch. as soon as the photo was taken and we both had a gander, it was decided then and there that this was my author pic.

i thought it appropriate to post today because although i have been writing (still draft two of feature) and sewing (a marimekko cushion cover for the couch) and reviewing (a book for a website), trying to keep the creative juices fast and flowing is not easy work so i needed motivation. this photo kind of says to me, hey, you look like the sort of person who's written all these stories and created all these worlds, and one day real soon the world is going to notice. and when that happens i'll have my author's photo ready and waiting.

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