Monday 15 July 2013

this month 20 years ago

my dad and i were backpacking around europe. i know, twenty whole years ago and i've yet to see the photos. ridiculous but true. but i'm heading to kalgoorlie in october where i should be able to get my hands on them. i'm hoping to find one particular shot i remember taking of my dad standing in front of the venus de milo in the louvre. there were all these tourists hanging about with their cameras flashing (which annoyed me because you're NOT ALLOWED to flash) and dad said "take a photo of me in front". i had to ask him did he know what he was standing in front of, or was it just because everyone else was doing it?? hmm... caught him out as he had no idea. but that's another thing i liked about taking that trip with him, he wanted to experience everything, and learn about everything, no matter what.

holy cow, i just realised that i am the age my dad was then. could i see myself traveling around continents with a 23 year old? wow! okay, that's just odd and how did 20 years go by so damn quickly?

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