Sunday 9 March 2008

the rest of the way

sorry i've been so slack but i've been settling in and getting a job. haven't even made it to pellegrinis yet (of course there was lunch with dessert at brunetti's though).

let's see, i've got plenty of photos to post from the trip over but perhaps i'll just throw in a few.

from boulder to eucla...

an example of the price of fuel. i think i remember cocklebiddy being the most expensive at $1.81 a litre. eek!

"a little piece of heaven fell from the sky one day..." remembrance of a highschool poem. skylab fell across w.a. in 1979, the year my sister was born.

straightest road in australia, nearly 150km in length. or width, depending on which way you're standing.

end of straight... yawn!

and then the ocean at eucla.

the next day i drove eucla to port augusta, i think the longest drive of the trip. and the nullabor.

i swear i had a relatively clean windscreen until minutes after exiting the nullabor. south australia will now be known as the bug-splat state.

what can you say about a town called iron knob??

at last there seems to be more than plains to this thar country. flinders ranges.

a short 3 hour drive into adelaide the next day. a wander around town, a massage at central markets then caught up with al, melis, ang and markus. we were all bunking at melis' folks place in the adelaide hills, chez dove. fringe festival was on so after a drink or two at a very cool bar we caught arj barker (mel was a bit star struck- ha!) and then walked through the carnival, i suspect the only thing missing was fire-eaters (though it could've been their night off).

i love carousels and ferris wheels.

last day on the road. it couldn't come soon enough. i love to drive but i tell you i was quite happy to see the end of this day.

don't know what the giant koala was all about, but i passed it and snapped it.

view of melbourne from the westgate bridge. i hit quite a large traffic jam when i got to the city limits. welcome home i heard it say.

1 comment:

Darion said...

Great photos! Looks fun!! :)