Saturday 21 March 2009

have i told you lately that i love you... melbourne

there has to be an early morning road trip in my near future somewhere. i had to go over to the office in footscray this morning. yes, saturday morning at work, but don't worry i haven't had a lobotomy, i had left some scripts there so before i could continue writing i had to retrieve them. but it was the exhilaration of driving fast with the sun rising, air fresh, radio blaring that calls me to the open road.

anyway, it's the weekend and before i head out for another saturday night i thought i'd catch you up with the happenings of last night. alex and i met in the city to watch a show called "for the love of the objekt instrument" by chicks on speed. i have to say that i enjoyed it for the most part, though some i didn't understand but that's okay too. the artists made their instruments from found objects (hence the title of the show), so it was performance art as well as film. started off with just sounds, some discordant which could be uncomfortable and by the end there was rhythm. there was butts being slapped on screen, a stiletto turned into a mini guitar, gourds strapped to a spinning wheel. gotta love the capacity of people to dream don't you?? we caught up with chris in the aftermath for malaysian. home and in bed by 10. on a friday night no less. :)

today's melbourne was a beautiful blue sky day. there was writing and wandering and splurging on a new dress for my birthday (yes, i know it's just around the corner). walking down gertrude i found a couple of new shops to favour, and then smith had some gorgeous finds too. an afternoon nap before the day turned to night and now here we are... about to walk out the door to friends.

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