Monday 30 March 2009

when is a weekend...

not a weekend?? when there is very little napping involved. chaotic, fun friday, saturday and sunday had. need recuperation time. thank goodness for work.

friday night was drinks at le choix for jenn's birthday, mingled with her fun friends before tramming over to richmond and the corner hotel for robyn hitchcock. i'd not heard him before and was majorly impressed. really great time. and the banter between tunes had me in hysterics. i honestly could just listen to him wax lyrically about absolutely nothing. he did it well.

saturday was writing in the morning and some shopping in the afternoon before the empress hotel with nat for two bands, not the wolf and mcfusilliers. also a lot of fun. then into the city for the bad movie, confessions of a shopaholic. don't do it. i knew that it would be bad, i accept it was bad. i am just trying to save you the heartache. :)

the pictures below may almost describe the sunday mayhem of the grand prix. nat, soph and i met jamie at fed square before heading to albert park. sophie's mad dash across the road bridge started a very funny day (sadly no pictures of that besides in my mind's eye).

it was a long day. definitely flagging by the end of the who. but i'm glad i got to see them (just since we were way at the back), you know, i can say i've been to a who concert. that's something.

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