Wednesday 7 October 2009

comedy times three

another fabulous outcome of working on the alexandra technique is that i got blessed with a fringe pass - which means that i can get into many of the shows for free. just have to hang by the door til all the paying customers are seated and if there are any free positions, my butt gets one. yah! so last night i caught up with alex and chris at the store room in north fitzroy for three shows. i also found that i really like that neighborhood so i will be looking around there for my own place in the next few months. go me.

so the first show was bart freebairn - a breathtakingly magical journey into the ordinary. super, great, fab.

next came the hounds. a threesome that rambled their way through some comedy, all with the aid of a table and lube. some really good bits and there were times of very loud laughter.

last but hardly least was andrew mcclelland's somewhat accurate history of the fall of the roman empire. clever and funny. and with audience participation. i got to be a roman soldier, hold a paper shield and act out the turtle defence. hilarious. more fun times ahead. as always.

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