Saturday 1 January 2011


really? already?

so there was not a large amount of activity going on today, especially if it meant getting off the couch and out of my pjs. but this down time gave me the perfect opportunity to go through my three diaries (ie, diary, journal and calendar) to work out what 2010 was all about. and as it turned out i did manage to squeeze quite a bit in. there were the usual movies, dinners, gigs and parties but some of the highlights in no particular order except by date shall be listed below...

*moving into my home (first time since living with my folks all my worldly belongings are out of boxes)
*golden plains music festival (but not the rain)
*canberra for the impressionist exhibition
*turning 40
*sovereign hill (and not just for jenn, as it was a lot of fun)
*the requisite trip back to perth for family and friends
*sydney writer's festival (4 days this time, joyful even without a beret)
*36 photos and a song
*flynn was born (yah julie and vince - i had absolutely nothing to do with any of that)
*working on alex's short film
*another MIFF (42 films this year)
*mum, chris and reg visiting melbourne and all staying with me
*2 day film summit
*carnival of mysteries (start of melb international arts festival - BRILLIANCE!)
*LA CHICAGO NEW YORK (and all the wonderful people that came with that trip - meeting flynn for instance)
*1927's the animal and children took to the streets at the malthouse - wow
*leonard cohen @ hanging rock (yes, the hanging rock)
*blondie and the pretenders at the rochford winery
*meredith music festival (not as wet as the plains, but still... come on)
*draft one of webseries
*my very own red bicycle with basket
*fireworks on new year's eve

see why i need a day on the couch? recuperating from the year behind - but looking forward to a magnificent 2011. it had better live up to all it's promises. and let me tell you the planning has already begun, it's going to be sublime. how could it be otherwise with the fabulous friends and family i have. keep smiling, stay safe and live your life fully in 2011.

me on couch at the beginning of the year that is about to be in comic book format (gotta love a mac). x


p.s. i just checked out neil gaiman's journal and there is a fabulous post that mirrors exactly what i want for you this year, but also what i want for me...

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself".

do it.

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