Friday 7 January 2011

day two, three and four.... of roadtrip

day 2: breakfast at the banjo before taking a walk along lake jindabyne.

the seat below is part of a local government initiative called "park your arts". gotta love it.

then to quote willy nelson we were "on the road again..." driving through Berridale, Middlingbank, Adaminaby, Yarrangobilly, Talbingo, Blowering, lunch at Tumut, Gocup and Minjary before we hit the blandness that is the Hume Hwy and onto Canberra. (as i re-read that last sentence it reads as though we had a progressive lunch across three towns - but no, just one. but that does give me ideas...dangerous ideas of gluttony).

as you can see i was enamoured with the sky this day.

the nation's capital once more. ;) caught up with catherine for afternoon tea in Kingston.

the road calleth once more. it was straight through to sydney.

we got into the city late which was a good thing since i had to navigate through the sydney cbd. collapsed into bed. zzz....

day 3 has been named through sydney i go a-wandering. caught the bus down to the beach, intending on walking from coogee to bondi but was given the wrong bus to board and only walked half the distance from bronte. totally missing the reason for the walk, the cool cemetery that looks as though it might fall off the edge of the world. the walk was pretty glorious anyway as you can see.

a train ride to newtown to wander along king street and retrospect'd. love that store and somehow held myself back from buying oodles. next time! had lunch at a great mexican take-away place - can't remember the name (dammit). we need one in melbourne.

then it was back into the city to walk through the queen victoria building. pretty fab.

as you can see there are no pics of the evening but it held a wonderful meal in chinatown then watching toy story 3 (again) from the comfort of bed. doesn't get much better than that people. ;)

the morning of day 4 came a little later than expected. yes, there was a bit of lazing. i was on holiday. gotta love those and i do. when i eventually got out into the real world i made my way to the museum of contemporary art near circular quay.

annie leibovitz exhibition at moca - fascinating story-telling photos, really enjoyed walking through the gallery. quite a few people about but not as crushing as a few exhibitions i've been to in melb - yes, we're serious about our art and culture in melbourne. ha!

then it was just about seeing the sights. there's a lot out there to be seen.

it started to rain as the plane was leaving the terminal. didn't bother me at all. what a glorious few days seeing a wonderful country with friends.

bring on the next roadtrip i say. :)

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