Saturday 28 May 2011

write, type and edit

read through the script and started on draft two this morning. what i found exciting was reading it and laughing. at bits i had actually written. laughed, and not because it sucked. how good is that? well, for me it's just fantastic. so draft two. i've already realised i've got to slot in a few extra scenes at the beginning to build my characters a little more. and oh, my big print (the part that let's you know what's going on in the scene visually) SUCKS - i'm so a prose writer when it comes to that, but i'm sorting that out as well. better that i know it's crap now huh? it's only draft one after all. so i'm excited about that. and then...

and then on the tram ride home i'm passing parliament house and an idea that has been floating around in my head for a couple of years now lands solidly in my lap. i swear it's not-so-flabby butt sat itself down and said it's time. so the 12 minute ride home had me sketching out notes for a doctor who book. i won't go so far to say an episode but still i think a stand alone book is a goer. concept is in hand and now i've just got to flesh out the sub-stories. damn i love inspiration. and let me tell you my muse looks nothing like the ones in xanadu. but i kinda like that too.

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