Tuesday 6 January 2009

me, franz ferdinand, nat and steve

it was a bit of an effort to drag myself off the couch last night and onto a tram into the city, but once the music started it was all good. nat and i crashed the line where steve was waiting to get into the palace. i like the venue - reminds me a little of thunderdome. ha! first support band was red riders which were as supportive as an early training bra, though maybe not as pretty.

the second support band was temper trap - which i really enjoyed. i'll have to keep an eye/ ear out for them. between songs the lead singer kept saying "we are not the cribs" - you would think they've got a bit of a complex about that.

i'm going to have to remember to take my camera to gigs from now on - the camera on my phone just doesn't cut it. the next series of photos are from steve, who is quite the happy snapper. yah!

we were standing pretty much centre of the floor - and at times when franz played felt as if we were jumping on a trampoline. Honestly the floor moved that much, i could've got motion sickness.

we ended on a silly note. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am surprised i did not get squashed by all of the extrememly tall people let alone the large guy in front of me that kept jumping. Good times and fun had by all :)