Saturday 25 July 2009


film 1: our city of dreams. a doco at greater union. 5 female artists linked in some way to new york. 2 american born and 3 migrants. the one i didn't find i connected with was the performance artist in her 60s - self flagellation as art. just odd to me, didn't click at all. liked swoon - late 20s, early 30s - street art moving towards stenciling on wood.

film 2: sweet rush. a feature at the forum. i think a polish film and at 3.48 (started at 2.30) the changing reel played backwards and upside down. lights came up and there was a 5-7 minute break where quite a few in the audience took the opportunity to escape. a slow film, and all i was thinking besides am i cold, is i want some sex. well maybe just in the film. :) on the way out i heard someone say... "aha the first of the festival films"... love it.

film 3: anna. feature at acmi. a kooky french musical from the 60s. fantastical. a q&a afterwards with anna karina, more a curiousity really. i swear i had one of those coloured visor bucket hats in the early 70s. and now i want a seethrough coat, technically a raincoat i guess. a film about not seeing what's right in front of you, or beside you. hmm... message in there for some people don't you think? yes, i am aware of the irony.

film 4: thirst. a feature at greater union. mad korean vampire flick. a priest turns "dracula", falls in love, makes up for years of abstinence with a married woman (who actually looks like she's about 12), kills said married woman's husband and then the adventure just gets zanier. hilarious. really enjoyed the insanity.

film 5: black dynamite. another feature at greater union. a bit of a spoof on the 70s blackploitation films, black dynamite was a brilliant ride. karate chopping, breasts heaving, bullets flying. cliche upon cliche upon cliche. and it worked. a fabulous late night audience pleaser.

need sleep.

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