Monday 13 July 2009

day 1: a call to arms (aka jury duty)

waiting waiting waiting in the holding pen for potential jury members and then... she died. my mac notebook that is. which took me away from the digital world for a bit and back to print, which is always a joy. i'm reading pride and prejudice and zombies at the moment. some light pap to get my mind off the criminal world. :)

got thrown out mid arvo so went and purchased a new baby macbook. she's white and gleaming. and her companion is a little nano ipod. yeah, i spoiled myself. then the rest of the arvo was taken up with setting up the new kid on the block.

and then to the dance floor where normally i can forget all my worldly troubles but not this night. no... i had to lead. LEAD. i know it was painful to do and watch. the girls had to lead, guys follow. very funny and hard work, let's not do it too often please.

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