Sunday 26 July 2009

6, 7, 8, 9

film 6: the promised land: a swamp pop journey. a doco at greater union. bit of a self-indulgent ramble at times, but some of the music was fantastic. would like to try dancing to it. a couple of quotes that i really liked from the film are -

"after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music".
- aldous huxley -

"take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves".
- lewis carrol -

film 7: alphaville. a french noir sci-fi feature from the late 60s. another anna karina film. it was slllooowwww... "i'm fine thanks, don't mention it". catch phrase of the film. caught up with david and carla, dave and claire and jamie for this.

film 8: prime mover. a new australian feature at the forum. a light rom-com about following your dreams and how they can affect others. some dreams change, some don't. enjoyed this one. "i thought you were a gypsy? i'm in real estate". classic.

film 9: no one knows about persian cats. an iranian feature at acmi. bloody FABULOUS. and you must see it. about the underground music scene in tehran. the struggle for permits to play, or visas & passports to get out of the country. a couple trying to put a show together before they leave are attempting to get band members, so they travel the city listening to different types of music. it's a side to the country one doesn't normally see. it shows that we're all the same. very powerful.

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