Saturday 29 May 2010

cars, rain and more rain

jamie and i drove up to winton for classic car racing. it started out grey in the city and it didn't get much better the rest of the day. i wasn't really prepared for wet to be honest, left the umbrella by the door and my jacket wasn't exactly water proof. oh well... that may or may not teach me. ;)

as you can see from the picture below we ended up buying a couple of rain ponchos. the guys selling them were hilarious. i had bought one five minutes before jamie and had decided on blue. the stall owner decided jamie couldn't have anything but pink. we were a pretty pair and got a few comments. a super day even for the wet.

(p.s. i didn't forget, i just didn't blog yesterday, it was my niece larissa's birthday. she turned 12. i did call and sing to her, in front of work colleagues no less... so i'm not totally a bad auntie. happy birthday for yesterday, riss).

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