Wednesday 5 May 2010

i like this...

and found it at this site when looking for information about liner notes. it seems this spoken word event has been running for a few years now, i'm not sure how i've missed it. a poetic tribute to a classic album, last year's was thriller, but in the past has included david bowie's hunky dory and madonna's like a virgin. oh sorry, in explanation, each performer is given a song to interpret from the album. anyway, sean whelan is the co-creator of of the series and i came across this poem when googling for answers.


everything we ever changed our minds about

you told me
you loved it when the trees changed their minds
and covered the ground
with a million veined post-it notes
carefully detailing every reason why

you called it
the transparent government of nature
I called it
one more reason to love you
the trees had no strong opinion
either way

- sean whelan -

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