Tuesday 26 October 2010

a glut of sights and taste

a weather warning went out today... watch for the wild winds (oohh... a sesame street clip just went through my head, all about wendy the witch and a wild west wind whipped her wig away). but back to the art deco walking tour i adventured on this morning. i'm just going to toss the pictures up and see where they fall - ooh and ahh or disregard. ;) some of them i might explain a little more but when i'm taking detailed pics there's not much point in explaining when you can see for yourself.

okay this is NOT art deco, but it's the rookery and when it opened back in 1888 it was the tallest building in the world. and damn, i forgot to go inside to see the frank lloyd wright remodelling of the court. next time.

back to the art deco experience.

it was about this point that the little light on my camera started flashing.... i had somehow forgotten to charge the battery last night. uh oh! so now with each picture i prayed to the battery god that it would last one more, just one more... that went on til the end of the day. true story. :)

and tucked between two buildings, this miro sculpture.

another piece of art to be noticed in the city.

i was then under strict instructions to find pizza pie, giordano's to be precise. and find it i did. OH MY! amazingly delicious but i only could manage two slices. where were the rest of you when i needed you? huh?

back down to the art institute to wander through the impressionist paintings. i didn't have the time to get through the rest, there is so much to see in this one building.

this sketch is one of walter burley griffin plans - it's of the capitol theatre back home.

back out into the world. i was heading north to navy pier and took a round about way of getting there.

i tried getting down to one of the locks but it seems to be only visible to the public from a river boat. poo to that. anyway, a bit of trivia for you, "they" reversed the flow of the chicago river. it used to drain into lake michigan in earlier days which meant it was dumping a whole lot of pollutants along with the water. so in 1900 to fix this problem a series of canal locks were created and it now sends the treated water into the chicago sanitary and ship canal. sounds appealing doesn't it??

navy pier at last. almost devoid of life, but i got there.

a strange building that i snapped through the bus window on my way back to lakeview.

after collapsing in a heap for a bit, marv and i headed off to dinner to jane's in bucktown. delicious salad and great company. i shall be sad to leave chicago but am happy to find another wonderful city to come back too.

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